How can I sue or file a claim for a Burn Injury in California?

Burn accidents can cause serious injuries. Please seek medical attention immediately if you’ve had a burn accident.

burn injury what to do

How can I sue or file a claim for a Burn Injury?

Filing a personal injury lawsuit for a burn injury is best done with an attorney on your side. 

The details below will help guide you about California law and burn injury claims, but the best course of action for filing any type of personal injury claim is to contact and hire an experienced, professional, personal injury lawyer who will operate with only your best interest in mind. 

If you’d like to talk about the details of your case, Zamora Law Boutique is here to help. Book a free consultation here.

Burn Injury lawsuits

Filing a claim for Burn Injuries usually fall into one of three categories: the burn injury was caused by a product’s defects; it was caused by another person’s negligence; or the burn injury was sustained on someone else’s property (this last one is called “premises liability”).

If a defective product causes a burn injury.

The company that manufactured, produced, or sold the product may be liable for your injuries and losses. 

For example, let’s say you purchased a new phone charger. 

After plugging it into the wall, you then plug the cable to your phone when it suddenly bursts into flames.

After seeking immediate medical attention and speaking to an attorney, you see that the cable that was sent to you was damaged/defective. 

In this case, it is possible to file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer of the cable and whomever sold the item.

If another person’s negligence causes your burn injury.

The negligent party may be fully or partially responsible for your burn injuries and losses if their action or lack of action played a role in your burn accident.

An example of this would be someone failing to follow proper safety precautions when handling extremely hot materials or chemicals that then resulted in your burn injury. 

If the burn injury happened on someone else’s property.

In this case, the property owner may be responsible for some or all of the burn injuries and losses. 

Even if the property owner was not present but the burn injury was sustained due to a hazard on the property, they may still be responsible.

Under premises liability law, property owners have a duty to maintain their property and fix any hazardous conditions. They are also responsible to give warnings about any hazard on the property. 

For example, get a coffee at most coffee shops, and their coffee cups or lids will contain a warning that says something like: WARNING: Contents hot!

While it may be obvious that your coffee will be hot, this warning provides the consumer with the proper warning from the property owner, absolving them of some responsibility if you suffer any burn injuries from their hot coffee.

What to do in you’ve suffered a Burn Injury in California

  1. First and foremost, seek medical attention! Burn injuries can be quite serious, and they need to be immediately evaluated by a medical professional.
  2. Document your medical visits and make sure to get all documentation from your medical personnel.
  3. After seeking medical attention, book a consultation with a burn injury attorney that can help guide you throughout your personal injury claim.

Here at Zamora Law Boutique, we have over 20 years experience working personal injury cases in the Coachella Valley.

And we want to help you file your burn injury claim to get you the just compensation you’re entitled to.

Schedule a free consultation with Zamora Law Boutique to discuss the details of your accident and craft the best course of action to move forward with your case.
Zamora Law Boutique, PLC is who you want on your side when you have a legal problem.


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