What to do if you’ve suffered a slip & fall accident in California

About Slip and Fall Accidents in California

Slip and Fall accidents can happen unexpectedly to anyone. Sometimes, these accidents can cause injuries.

If you’ve suffered an injury from a slip and fall accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation under California law.

slip and fall what to do

What does “Slip & Fall” mean? When can I file a Slip & Fall claim?

The term “slip and fall” refers to a personal injury accident during which you slip, trip, and/or fall and suffer an injury inside someone else’s property. 

If you suffered a slip and fall accident on someone’s property in California, and if someone else’s negligence, whether by something they did or didn’t do, played a role in your slip and fall accident and the injuries you sustained, then you may be eligible to file a claim and receive compensation for your losses.

Before getting into the details of what you should or shouldn’t do in a Slip & Fall accident, it is imperative that you contact a lawyer right away.

Only a licensed, professional, personal injury attorney in California can properly guide you in your case and tell you whether or not you are actually eligible based on the details of your case.

We would be happy to hear the details of your case during a free consultation at Zamora Law Boutique. Book your consultation here.

What to do if you’ve suffered a Slip & Fall accident in California

Here at Zamora Law Boutique we want to equip you with the information you need so that your initial consultation with your attorney is a success. After a slip and fall accident, you should:

1. Take pictures of the scene of the accident and of your injuries immediately.

Make sure to take pictures and video of the area where you fell. Also, document any of your injuries as well.

If you leave the area where you fell, any spills will be cleaned up, any cracked or broken items will be repaired, and the scene will look differently when you come back. 

At that point it will be much harder to prove the property owner’s negligence, especially without proper documentation.

Making sure that you take all the pictures and/or videos necessary of the area before anything else will ensure that you have evidence of the state of the property when you fell.

2. If there were any witnesses to your accident, collect their contact information.

Another piece of valuable evidence that you can collect will be eyewitness testimonies. If someone saw your accident, and/or they saw the conditions of the property or the area that caused the fall, then take down their contact information so that you or your attorney can contact them when you file your claim.

3. Report the accident immediately.

Oftentimes after a slip and fall accident, people get up and downplay the fall and/or the pain they may be feeling at the time. While falling in public can be embarrassing, downplaying your injuries may hurt your case.

Instead, make sure to report the accident immediately to someone in charge. Fill out the necessary paperwork (which may be called an accident or incident report). 

This can help you prove later on that you did not downplay your injuries, that the situation was severe, and that proof of date and time exists. 

Make sure to take a copy for your records as well!

4. Seek medical attention immediately.

As stated previously, it’s extremely important not to downplay any of your pain or injuries. 

Even if your injuries seem like “no big deal,” remember that adrenaline often masks the real severity of your injuries.

Once the adrenaline wears off, the pains and injuries settle in. 

Before this happens, seek medical attention to evaluate your injuries. Document your medical visits as well to further accumulate proof and evidence of your accident and the losses you’ve suffered because of it.

5. Call an experienced slip and fall lawyer in California.

Property owners and insurance companies are interested in protecting themselves at all costs. 

Their interest is not necessarily in providing you with a fair assessment or compensation for your losses, but instead to protect their financial resources.

Having an experienced personal injury attorney in your corner that represents you and fights until they know you’ve received the just compensation you’re entitled to according to California law is invaluable.

Zamora Law Boutique will help you get the just compensation you deserve. Contact us for a consultation.

Zamora Law Boutique will be by your side, finding the best course of action for you and the specifics of your slip and fall case. Contact us today.
Zamora Law Boutique, PLC is who you want on your side when you have a legal problem.


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